Aimee Margolis
artist bio alterative photography plates masks environmental series works on paper paintings sculpture
pure photography wearable art edible art project art show (TV) think tank recent projects

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"Weeds"   "We love Nature" "Keep it out" "Overpopulation"
 "That Beautiful Child"  "That Beautiful Child - Part II"  "That Beautiful Child - Part III"  "Where do animals..."
 "The World calls for"  "The Media is the cheerleader"  "Women should have..."  "On the surface"
 "Refrain"  "Hail"  "Exalt" "Ponder"
Aimee I. Margolis
The E N V I R O N M E N T A L - S E R I E S

The E N V I R O N M E N T A L - S E R I E S of photography is using abused and ripped C-Prints to portray the ailments of misuse of the environment on humanity and nature. THAT BEAUTIFUL CHILD... , and WEEDS portrays overpopulation, which I see as a major problem, that over taxes our housing, land, water, educational system and is the connection to our major social ills. Before you have children think twice...
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EditRegion8© 2005 Aimee Margolis. All rights reserved.