Aimee Margolis
artist bio alterative photography plates masks environmental series works on paper paintings sculpture
pure photography wearable art edible art project art show (TV) think tank recent projects

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Mask Series #19
Mask Series #64
Mask Series #84
Mask Series #80
Mask Series #15
Mask Series #18
Mask Series #155A
Mask Series #32
Mask Series #168
Mask Series #155B
Mask Series #142
Mask Series #21
Mask Series #200
Mask Series #3 the cat
Mask Series #129
Mask Series #505
Mask Series #506
Mask Series #3A
Mask Series#151
Mask Series #507
Aimee I. Margolis


Mask Series of photography, is a series of work using Alternative Photography. The use of plaster and handmade paper masks with models and multi-exposed photography uncover the ritual of identity and facade.
The use of masks in our everyday life is common, though not usually admitted openly. Here I lead the viewer to the mysteries behind the masks.

This series of work shown here is a small fraction of the hundreds of images involved in the MASK SERIES. Limited C-print editions, the size of most of the work is 30"x 40" to 40"x 60". For price list, please contact :

Title: Mask Series - #155A
Size: 20" x 30
Media: Photography C-Print

EditRegion8© 2005 Aimee Margolis. All rights reserved.